Saturday, April 21, 2007

Done! Now time to finish!

Done and finished are such different terms in knitting. While the topsy turvy is done (meaning all pieces knit), it is FAR from finished. There is still the stuff, sewing together, and mostly importantly the decorating. For a doll, this has to be the most important step. It is the step that turns knit pieces into a doll ready to be loved. So, topsy is going into the knitting bag. She will have to patiently wait to return home tomorrow where the finishing supplies are.

Since the weather has taken a turn for the better, we spent most of yesterday enjoying the coming of spring. We took a hike in Chatham, played garden in the side yard, and flew slingshot airplanes. Wook and the folks all arrived last night, so we are looking forward to going on a hike this afternoon. This morning, we head to Zooquarium, a fun place to stop if you find yourself around these parts. We only go this time of year since it is INSANE during the peak season. Well, everything is insane during peak season. Anyone who spends alot of time on cape knows that you need at least two ways to travel. The way you go during the season, and the one you use off season. So, as we enter the peak season, I say time to take the roads less traveled!!